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Do you know? An imperfect structural design might cost more and your building might be highly risky. Do not take any risk of doing your structural design with a less experienced structural Engineering firm in Bangladesh.
Certainly, you don’t want to take any risk of your investment. We are structural Engineers of Bangladesh; here to help you sort out the structural design issue.
When you are looking for a top structural firm in Bangladesh for your project development, you will have lots of difficulty in ensuring quality. Here I am showing you some of our key features as a top structural firm in Bangladesh.
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Who We Are?
We are a structural engineering firm in Bangladesh and have more than 10 years of practical experience in structural design in various districts of Bangladesh. This structural designer Bangladesh, Md Moynuddin, a member of IEB, has completed his B Sc in Civil Engineering degree from DUET.
Md Moynuddin is the CEO of this Civil Engineering firm in Dhaka named Home & Abroad Structural Solutions (HASS). The structural engineer of Bangladesh Md Moynuddin established this consulting firm in 2014. After the establishment of this top structural firm in Bangladesh, he is doing lots of structural design in Bangladesh.
He has experience in doing different types of structural designs like residential structural design, concrete structure, steel structure, etc. After completing many structural designs still, he is working on a couple of projects in Dhaka and outside Dhaka.
I am also a steel structure designer in Bangladesh. Most of the industry in Bangladesh needs steel structure design services. For any steel structure design project like an industrial shed, or multistoried steel structure contact us
Note that, I am experienced in timber structure design. There is almost no project designed using timber in our country. But as a timber structure designer in Bangladesh, I can offer this service.
Our Specialty:
Normally we are structural engineering firms and basically doing structural design. We also provide Architectural design, electrical design, plumbing design, and 3D design. But we do not take any responsibility for Rajuk’s approval. You have to complete the Rajuk approval process and then contact us for the rest of the services.
Do we have an IEB Membership?
Yes, as a structural engineering firm in Bangladesh, we have IEB membership right now. I am also planning for the FIEB Membership. As per the Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), I can sign off on the structural drawings of various projects.
What do we do for your Project?
If you have an Architectural design or plan done by an Architect then we do Structural design on that plan. If there is no Architectural plan then we use Architectural design and then Structural Design. If you need electrical and plumbing design we also do those.
What Software Do We Use?
Our structural engineering firm is using various Structural Design software like Etabs, Staad pro and for drawing presentations we use AutoCAD. Except for those depending on requirements we also use various Excel spreadsheets.
What Load Do We Consider for Structural Design?
As per BD structural engineer’s practice and BNBC, to perform any structural design we consider Dead Load (DL) and Live Load (LL). For lateral stability, we also consider Wind Load (WL) and Earthquake Load (EQ). The amount of load is different depending on the structure type. However, we consider all the required loads for the safety of the building as per the latest building code.
What Does Structural Engineering Firms Provide You?
In a word, we provide structural drawings only, but if you need more information like electrical and plumbing design then we are also offering this kind of service. We also help in preparing the Union sheet and Pourashava sheet as well as the DIT required for any city corporation.
Do we do Retrofitting Design?
Though we are a structural engineering firm in Bangladesh we are not doing the retrofitting project. But if you have any small type retrofitting design then we can manage. But we are not doing any large volume of retrofitting design for an industrial project. When you need any such type of services you can contact any top structural firm in Bangladesh.
Is a Digital Survey Required for Structural Design?
Actually, to do any Architectural design there is a need for a digital survey. A digital survey defines the outline of the property. Most of the land’s property line is not straight and all the corners are not in 90 degrees. To know the accurate angle of each corner we need a digital survey report.
In one word digital survey is required for any project. If you have done the Architectural design earlier then you might have a digital survey report. But if there is no digital survey report and you are contacting any structural engineer in Bangladesh, the first steps are to do the digital survey and then start working on the building plan.
Is a Soil Test Required for Structural Design?
Certainly, you need a soil test report before starting structural design. The foundation is an important part of the building. Overall building safety and cost are dependent on foundation design. Foundation design is dependent on the soil test report. Without a soil test report, the foundation design is not possible.
Some people in our country say for one or two-story buildings no need for a soil test. But truly speaking if you want to design the foundation properly then you must need a soil test report. Without a soil test report foundation design is not possible.
There is lots of soil Test Company in our country. But make sure the company has a soil test lab. Under any top structural firm in Bangladesh, they have a familiar soil Test Company. You can also contact any structural engineering firm in Bangladesh for soil test-related help.
What is the Structural Engineer Cost for any Project?
The structural design fee is different for various projects. As per the scope of work, we fixed the pricing. As per the structural engineer of Bangladesh, we try our best to make the best relationship with our clients. The structural design fee might be per square feet basis or maybe a fixed package depending on the project types.
How to Hire Us?
If you have an interest in our residential engineering service then contact us through our email: hassolutions2014@gmail.com. You can also contact us through our Facebook page. If you are in Dhaka city and want to visit our office, check our office address below.
How to Pay Us?
We can take direct payment in cash or through a bank. If you are from Bangladesh then any suitable way is preferable. If you are outside the country then check here about how to pay us or hire us.
Office Address:
Home & Abroad Structural Solutions, Amin Tower-2(GF), RAB er Goli, Uttarkhan Mazar Chowrasta, Uttarkhan, Dhaka-1230
In the end, if you are looking for any structural engineering firm in Bangladesh to perform your project’s structural design. Feel free to contact us. We are committed to providing quality service in the best possible way.
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