For any multistoried building design, seismic fore is important. If you are working with a multi-stories structure then need to know the seismic load properly. Watch this video about the Seismic design of 10 storied steel building. After watching, you will know better about seismic loading. Its a two long videos series where I have shown a complete 10-storied steel building structural analysis and design using Staad Pro software.
What is this Tutorial for?
Structural design for high rise building is critical due to seismic load under the heavy seismic zone. As per code requirement, you have to consider seismic load depending on which seismic zone your project is.
In this video tutorial, I have shown a complete Structural analysis and design of ten storied Steel Structures. This is a residential project. All types of load have been considered including seismic.
What software has been used?
There is a lot of software to do structural design across the world. Among them, Staad pro V8i is one of the strongest software. To do any kind of complicated structure design both steel and concrete Staad pro software can be used.
Except that you can also do timber Structure design. In this particular project, I have used the Staad Pro V8i program.
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What Design Code has been considered to design this project?
You will see lots of code for Structural design across the world. Among them American Code, British code, Euro, Australian, Indian, etc are remarkable. I have used here American code and UBC for lateral load calculation.
You can use your local code following the procedure I have shown in the tutorial. Gravity load has been assigned as per code manually on the model and lateral load has been calculated on the excel spreadsheet and assigned on the structure manually.
What would you learn after watching this tutorial?
The multistorey steel structure design is important for any Structural Engineer. Thinking about that I have designed a 10 storied steel structure with all required loading. Watching this tutorial you will be able to design a high rise steel building completely.
All the possible steps describe properly. By practicing these steps for few times you will get experience in this type of project.
How to get this software?
Till now Staad Pro has connect version. I have used a V8i version here for this project. Through internet searching, you might get a trial version of any one. Check here for a student version. You can practice by any version, but recommended to use latest version to avoid any types of error.
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Watch Seismic Design of 10 Storied Steel Building Videos Below :
Seismic Design of 10 Storied Steel Structure in Staad Pro V8i Part-01
Seismic Design of 10 Storied Steel Structure in Staad Pro V8i Part-02
So, the design is done for Seismic Design of 10 Storied Steel Building in Staad Pro V8i. Hopefully, you are now confident about multistoried steel structure design. Just need to do some practice again and again. If you can complete a couple of projects like this, this software application will be easy for you. It is suggested to do any project as possible to be confident with this software design. Also note: software will help you reducing time of 3D modeling, your judgement and experience is a key for any structural design.
Great tutorial. Everything precise & clear.